Sunday, June 5, 2011


This is a piece of my art that I just finished a couple of days ago, less some hardware that is still in storage...
There is a reason that I can show it and it doesn't just involve a camera...
I cannot be creative or concentrate on my creativity's when my life is full of chaos and stew
It always amazes me what can happen when we just "let" things be...
Instead of trying to "make" things happen...
It occurs to me that while it is good to have goals and want joys...
There is a path being laid waiting for our own foot prints
It is about the timing, not about a forced entry...
About viewing what is around you and "letting" some things in while allowing other things to leave as they should...
Both are sometimes hard, maybe even more often than not...
The key really is to pay attention to the things around you
And to except the changes, life changes whether we want it to or not
Better if it is not against our will, sometimes rubbing on our souls like sandpaper
Instead, we look ahead, maybe not inviting every time but, preparing for it's inevitable arrival
Being still is essential, it allows us to view the greatness that is coming
Allows us to Separate it from the things we don't need
Even through smokey glass and chaos and stew...

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