Sunday, March 13, 2011


I just started doing volunteer work for the "Smoki Museum" here in Prescott. My first assignment was to help show case these beautiful Navajo rugs at their semi-annual "Navajo Rug Auction".
I loved it!
There were rugs that were well over a century old right up to now.
The most beautiful thing really is the centuries of weaving. The tradition of passing it down to your daughter, your granddaughter and in many cases on to your great-granddaughter.
I spoke briefly with a young Navajo Girl who came up to show case one of her grandmother's rugs, she was ten and had recently finished her first sample rug and was currently working on the next one, she said it was a little bigger and smiled.

The monarchs, the weavers of tradition stood quietly at the side lines
Watching the rugs fold themselves into arms of strangers
Some were asked to be photographed 
Side by side  
Rugs and the new owners
They were graceful and Stoic in their compliance
While younger weavers, looked on
Seeing the future through the past
Eyes wide with new ideas
Creating patterns of color
A contemporary native thought
Weaving its' way into old tradition
The continuous circle of time...


1 comment:

  1. what a wonderful event to be a part of!! Way to go Miss "A"!!
